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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Grand Canyon , Mt. St. Helen & global flood

In "Genesis and the Grand Canyon” As a freshman geology major, Dr. John Whitmore struggled with how to reconcile what he was learning in his geology classes with the account of Noah’s Flood. After examining the evidence for himself, he discovered three important things about Grand Canyon geology that convinced him that Scripture was true. Three important things about Grand Canyon geology that convinced him that Scripture was true. 1.The great uncomformity( erosion ) 2 marine transgression(sea level risen) 3 Cambrian explosion fossils 1.大的全球性不整合侵蝕面 (全球都可以找到) 2 海洋侵入(海平面上升) 3 寒武紀大爆發層的化石( Cambrian explosion happened in the layer of Cabrian rocks.) ( Cambrian explosion: when a sudden radiation of complex life occurred, and practically all major animal phyla (所有主要動物門)started appearing in the fossil record. It lasted for about million years and resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla. The event was accompanied by major diversification in other groups of as well.-- In Cambrian explosion:當複雜生命突然爆發時,幾乎所有主要動物門都開始出現在化石記錄中。它持續了大約百萬年,導致了大多數現代後生動物門的分化。該活動也伴隨著其他群體的重大多樣化.--這是進化論一向要我們相信有百萬年的時間,但是進化論的權威專家Stephen Jake 卻無法回答Dr. John Whitmore 關於這個問題很溫和的質問。) Here, it is not just talking about some life. it was talking about complex life. We have vertebrates in this layer right here and usually vertebrates or thought as higher life forms, but vertebrates occur right here along with all the other life forms, one time Dr. Whitmore went to listen to a lecture by the great Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jake, and a prominent evolutionist (of course he is dead now), but at the end of lecture he allowed for some questions and Dr. Whitmore went up and into the microphone and asked the question about this Cambrian explosion. he wanted some of Jake's perspectives on it. Whitmore asked in a kind and gracious way and so forth and Dr.Stephen Jake thought for a minute and said " next question please" but later Whitmore talk to one of the students Kurt Wise, and he said Jake didn’t really want to talk about the Cambrian explosion. Wise think it was because he couldn’t explain using Evolution theory. he didn’t really want to talk about the Cambrian explosion. W. think it was because he couldn’t understand how to explain it in terms of evolution , wouldn’t fit his preconceived notion that all these things happen overtime without God without supernatural. Jake wanted to convince an undergraduate geologist to accept the reality except the truth of what scripture said about flood. 1980 May 18, Mt. St.Helen 火山爆發,地理學家發現在短時間內其附近地區很快地形成小的大峽谷, 像大峽谷一樣的壯觀只是規模當然小很多。 這才發現大峽谷的形成,並不需要很漫長的時間!Mt. St.Helen 火山爆發活生生地替我們上了一課!我們再也不能以現在平常發生的速度來衡量 大峽谷形成的時間。而必須用過去災難性的自然現象,例如火山爆發,來衡量。 這一位地理學家,Dr. John Whitmore, 如何在大峽谷找到全球性大洪水留下來的痕跡,並且大峽谷的這些地層堆積,排列,The great uncomformity( erosion )(大的不整合侵蝕面)全球都可以找到!

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