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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Over 850K Americans in Target Boycott


Over 850K Americans in Target Boycott

Franklin Graham says he's standing with the nearly 1 million people who have signed a petition to boycott Target over its new bathroom policy that allows men to go into women's bathrooms if they identify as female.
"Target is putting its shareholders — and its customers — at risk! Just since last Wednesday over [854,000] people have signed a pledge to boycott Target over its new bathroom policy that welcomes employees and guests to use the restrooms or fitting rooms that 'corresponds with their gender identity.' Target certainly has the prerogative to make this decision, but it's proving to be bad for business," Graham wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday about the American Family Association's petition.

"I'm glad people are standing up and letting them know this is wrong. I agree with the American Family Association — this policy encourages sexual predators and puts women and children in danger. A man shouldn't be able to enter the women's restroom or dressing room because he says he 'feels like a woman today.' That's ridiculous," Graham continued.
The president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association argued that gender identity is not something that people can choose or feel.
"We are the sex God created us to be — male or female. How a person feels doesn't change the facts," Graham insisted.
Target has said it will allow people with a different gender identities to the sex they were born with to choose which bathroom or changing room they use, explaining in a statement that it wants to be more welcoming to employees and customers.
"We believe that everyone — every team member, every guest, and every community — deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief, Target supports the federal Equality Act, which provides protections to LGBT individuals, and opposes action that enables discrimination," the chain store giant said earlier in a statement.
AFA's petition argues, however, that such policy is "exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims."
"And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women's bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?" the petition asks.
"Clearly, Target's dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree," it adds.
The petition asks Target to consider offering unisex bathrooms for those that want to use them, but still keep separate bathrooms for men and women as an option.
Other prominent conservatives, including creationist Ken Ham, have argued that Target's views of gender identity go "against God's Word."
"Well, Target needs to hear Jesus' Words: 'Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female?' (Matthew 19:4)," Ham wrote last week.
"They need to hear what Jesus said in Mark 10:6: 'But from the beginning of the Creation, God 'made them male and female,'" he added.
"They need to hear that 'God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them,' (Genesis 1:27)."


Franklin Graham says he's standing with the nearly 1 million people who have signed a petition to boycott Target over its new bathroom policy that allows men to go into women's bathrooms if they identify as female.

"Target is putting its shareholders — and its customers — at risk! Just since last Wednesday over [854,000] people have signed a pledge to boycott Target over its new bathroom policy that welcomes employees and guests to use the restrooms or fitting rooms that 'corresponds with their gender identity.' Target certainly has the prerogative to make this decision, but it's proving to be bad for business," Graham wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday about the American Family Association's petition.
"I'm glad people are standing up and letting them know this is wrong. I agree with the American Family Association — this policy encourages sexual predators and puts women and children in danger. A man shouldn't be able to enter the women's restroom or dressing room because he says he 'feels like a woman today.' That's ridiculous," Graham continued.
The president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association argued that gender identity is not something that people can choose or feel.
"We are the sex God created us to be — male or female. How a person feels doesn't change the facts," Graham insisted.
Target has said it will allow people with a different gender identities to the sex they were born with to choose which bathroom or changing room they use, explaining in a statement that it wants to be more welcoming to employees and customers.
"We believe that everyone — every team member, every guest, and every community — deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief, Target supports the federal Equality Act, which provides protections to LGBT individuals, and opposes action that enables discrimination," the chain store giant said earlier in a statement.
AFA's petition argues, however, that such policy is "exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims."
"And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women's bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?" the petition asks.
"Clearly, Target's dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree," it adds.
The petition asks Target to consider offering unisex bathrooms for those that want to use them, but still keep separate bathrooms for men and women as an option.
Other prominent conservatives, including creationist Ken Ham, have argued that Target's views of gender identity go "against God's Word."
"Well, Target needs to hear Jesus' Words: 'Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning 'made them male and female?' (Matthew 19:4)," Ham wrote last week.
"They need to hear what Jesus said in Mark 10:6: 'But from the beginning of the Creation, God 'made them male and female,'" he added.
"They need to hear that 'God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them,' (Genesis 1:27)."

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Alzheimer's considerations

Alzheimer's considerations include Gospel ( For the whole article, click this link)

 Alzheimer's disease grips millions of Americans with fear and hopelessness daily, yet the Gospel can infuse a spiritual dynamic into the struggle, asserts a university psychologist and author. He suggests believers should prepare for the possibility that their lives could be upended by the increasingly common hardship.
"People will tell me beautiful stories of how their loved ones remembered the Lord even deep into dementia -- sometimes through singing well-known hymns, reading familiar Bible passages or praying together," Benjamin Mast, author of "Second Forgetting: Remembering the Power of the Gospel During Alzheimer's Disease," told Baptist Press.

An elder at Sojourn Community Church in Louisville, Ky., Mast is a board-certified geropsychologist and associate professor and vice chair in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Louisville.
"It's clear in Scripture that God remembers His people and takes care of them even when they have trouble remembering Him," Mast said.
Tom James, pastor of Eastwood Baptist Church in Bowling Green, Ky., and a recent president of the Kentucky Baptist Convention, told Baptist Press what it's like walking the Alzheimer's road with his wife Jan, a mother of three who is battling the disease at age 57.
DeeEdrah White, whose husband Kevin White is executive director of the Nevada Baptist Convention and whose mother died last year after a struggle with Alzheimer's, relayed some ways churches can minister to Alzheimer's patients.
The title "Second Forgetting" refers to the way people, when devastated by Alzheimer's, risk forgetting the hope and power of the Gospel and can forget God as their comforter, provider and redeemer. Mast wrote the book to help people in the midst of the Alzheimer's journey experience the grace and love of Christ.
Short-term memory is the first thing "to go" when a person suffers from dementia, Mast notes in the book, but a person's deepest and most treasured memories tend to stay with them longer. For this reason, believers need to hear the Gospel every day, he says.
"Despite the effect of the curse upon our physical bodies, [believers with Alzheimer's] remain children of God, created in his image, and their identity and their life is still rooted securely in Christ," Mast writes.
One particular man at a dementia day center, Mast recounts, became somewhat belligerent, believing he was being held against his will. "As the staff considered how to address this problem, one remembered that he was a Christian and suggested that someone read the Bible with him," Mast writes.
"... Though he was still not sure of who I was or what he was doing in this strange place, as I sat next to him and read the Bible, the anger melted away. Soon, he was nodding in agreement with the words of God, whispering, 'That's right ... mmm hmm.' ... For him, God's Word was an anchor in the storm of his confusion. Reminded of the Lord's goodness, he experienced peace."
Mast writes, "By choosing how to live now, we are making choices about how we will live in the future.... Do you have a habit of daily prayer and Scripture reading? In developing godly habits we make them a part of who we are and embed them in our souls and procedural memory systems. All of these are more resistant to the effects of Alzheimer's disease."

A caregiver's perspective...

SEP 26, 2014
10 Truths from Second Forgetting by Benjamin Mast
Remembering the power of the Gospel during Alzheimer's disease |

1. We are all imperfect and broken. We forget the Lord, even in the best of health. This is what I call “the second forgetting. (19)
2. Never forget the wonder of the good news: God never forgets us or his promises to us, even when we forget him. Throughout Scripture, God remembers first and then acts in grace to rescue his people. (26)
3. Although Alzheimer’s is one of the most devastating and feared conditions among older people, it can develop, in rare instances, in people in their thirties and forties. As many as 30 to 40 percent of people in their eighties have this dreaded disease. (30)
4. The longer the person lives with the disease, the more severe and widespread the underlying brain changes will become. As these changes spread, they begin to overwhelm the person, and as the person is overwhelmed, so is their family. (37)
5. Even though the outlook is not positive for treating Alzheimer’s disease, we are not without hope and we are never alone. We need to learn how to lean on, trust in, and remember our Lord and the powerful promises of the gospel in the midst of the Alzheimer’s disease journey. (41)
6. Memory is more than just the recollection of facts or events; it also involves things we feel and do and, to some extent, less conscious aspects of who we are. (45)
God pursues us and cares for us, even when we don’t understand what he is doing.
7. The Bible tells us that God has a definite storyline for us to live by, one that we often fail to recognize or remember. God’s story transforms our individual stories, giving them new meaning, even when they involve suffering.(57)
8. If you are caring for a person with dementia and find yourself overwhelmed, seemingly unable to do anything, this passage is for you. It is also a word of hope to the person who has dementia. 
In their weakness, the Spirit intercedes with wordless groans on their behalf as well. Sometimes, a person advances to a stage when articulating needs and prayers becomes difficult, if not impossible. But here we are told that the Lord continues to search and know their hearts, interceding on their behalf with these wordless groans in accordance with God’s will. (67)
9. On average, caregivers spend 70 hours a week providing care. This number is as high as a hundred hours per week among those who do not hold a job and averages about forty hours per week among those who do hold a job. In reality, caregiving represents a second full-time job. (76)
10. God pursues us and cares for us, even when we don’t understand what he is doing. This is God’s radical grace. He never turns away from us, even when we seem to resist his plans.(99)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Enough Madness of Public Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Should We Provide Litter Boxes for People Who Identify as Cats?

By Dr. Michael Brown

Within a 48-hour period this week, a Federal court ruled that a school could not require children to use the bathroom that corresponds to their biological sex, Target announced it was making all its bathrooms gender neutral, a school council in England sent out a letter to parents, telling them to encourage their 4-year-old children to choose the gender they most identify with before starting school, be it male, female, or something else, and baseball legend Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for sharing an "anti-transgender" post. (Note that ESPN fired Schilling because it is an "inclusive" company. The Orwellian doublespeak continues.)
It is high time, then, that we stand up to this social madness and say, "Enough!"
The emperor has no clothes, and if enough of us stand up and make our voices heard, society will be jarred back to reality.
That does not mean that we bash those who genuinely struggle with their gender identity.
To the contrary, it means we recognize the depth of their struggles, we reach out to them with compassion, and we encourage qualified professionals to work harder to discover the real roots of their problems.
Otherwise, we will continue our descent into the madness of relative reality.
I pointed out last week that we not only have men who identify as women (and vice versa), but we have whites who identify as blacks and human beings who identify as animals, including cats, dogs, parrots, and even mythical dragons. (For my illustrated video commentary on this, go here.)
Yes, we not only have the categories of transgender and transracial but also transspecies, better known as "otherkin."
As noted by Max Read on back in 2012, "An otherkin is a being born into the wrong body. Not just with the wrong parts, but as the wrong species: people who identify as otherkin believe that they are wolves, or elves, or really any kind of being, born into a human body." (According to Read, "The community of people who identify as otherkin is more than 30 years old," with the term itself dating back to 1990.)
Some believe they are part alien, others believe they belong to different ethnicities, while still others believe they are fictional characters appearing in real life form.
But why not?
At the risk of asking the same question I've been asking for many months now, if perception is reality, why can't I be a fly trapped in a human body or a black Viking woman trapped in a male, Caucasian body or anything else for that matter?
If that is what I genuinely believe and feel and if I've felt that way for as many years as I can remember, why isn't that reality?
If Bruce Jenner is a woman, why isn't Richard Hernandez a female, mythical dragon? (For the record, Hernandez has altered his appearance far more radically than Jenner has altered his.)
Amber Roberts, writing for, interviewed a number of online otherkin. She noted that, "It would seem, from reading otherkin message boards, that a significant percentage of otherkin are also transgender, and there are many forums online arguing that if you support transgender rights, you ought to support the rights of otherkin. Feef is transgender and can 'personally see the correlation between transgender and otherkin'.
"She explains that, like transgender people, some otherkin do feel dysphoric with their human bodies, 'they want to become more like that animal', just like how some trans people want to alter their physicality. Some otherkin actually have surgery to look more like their animal or creature, Feef tells me. 'I do know some people that have done that and yeah. It just doesn't look that amazing.'"
And then there are those who suffer from BIID (Body Identity Integrity Disorder), being so troubled by the presence of healthy limbs or functioning ears or eyes that some them have successfully amputated limbs or blinded themselves, claiming great peace and satisfaction now that they are handicapped. (For the story of Jewell Shuping, who blinded herself, see here.)
Some researchers claim there is a neurological basis for Body Identity Integrity Disorder, just as some researchers claim there is a neurological basis for gender dysphoria (previously called Gender Identity Disorder, before transgender activists successfully has the term "disorder" removed).
Others, like Margaret A. Hagen, Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Boston University, state that "there is no consensus on the etiology of the diverse expressions of 'gender identity variants,'" and that, "Evidence-based conclusions are utterly lacking, whatever the claims of activists."
She rightly asks, "Without clear distinctions not only among categories of the potentially mentally disordered but also between the mentally disordered and the normal population, how are diagnosis and treatment decisions to be made? It is hardly possible to pass disability laws without reliable diagnostic categories."

Yet that has not stopped the courts from adopting the latest trans-activist terminology, with the majority opinion in this week's federal court ruling stating that, "G.G.'s birth-assigned sex, or so-called 'biological sex,' is female, but G.G.'s gender identity is male." (G.G. is the girl who identifies as a boy and who was the subject of the lawsuit.)Who needs diagnostic categories? Who needs evidence-based conclusions?

All we need is perception, and the rest of the world must bow down and accept our version of reality. (Once again, I am not referring here to people with biological and chromosomal abnormalities but to those who are biologically and chromosomally male or female, not to mention human.)
The complete madness to which our society has come was well illustrated in a viral video produced by the Family Policy Institute of Washington, where Joseph Backholm, a short white male, asks college students: "If I tell you I'm a woman, what would your response be?"
Most responded with, "Great, if that's who you are."
Then, he asks, "What if I say I'm Chinese? What would you say?"
While some said they'd be a little surprised, they had no problem with embracing him as Chinese, with one saying, "Yeah, be who you are." (Remember: These are college students, not kindergarten students.)
Some were even willing to embrace him as a 7-year-old if that's what he truly believed. (Let's not forget Paul "Stefonkee" Wolscht, the father of 7 who now identifies as a 6-year-old girl.)
Finally, when he asked them, "If I told you I'm 6' 5", what would you say?", some paused, having to really think this through, with one student (who had previously affirmed all his other identities) responding, "That would I question."
When he asked why, she answered, "Because you're not. I don't think you're 6' 5"."
The reality — dare I use that word — is that Joseph is no more a Chinese 7-year-old woman than he is 6' 5", yet these students, brainwashed in today's relative reality, have lost touch with reality.
Those of us who have not lost touch with reality must stand our ground, raise our voices, and say, "The madness stops here."
And as much as we will be called transphobic bigots (or even fired from our jobs, like Curt Schilling was), love requires us to tell the truth.
Ironically, some in the scientific community are proposing "hormone suppression, hormone replacement, and gender reassignment surgery" for trans-identified youth, "even at ages seven or eight-years-old," while at the same time admitting that, "'Among children under the age of about 12 who cross-identify' — in terms of how they dress and behave — 'only a minority will continue to see themselves as transgender after puberty.'" (According to the DSM-V, which is certainly pro-transgender, it is only a tiny minority that will still cross-identify after puberty.)
That's why the American College of Pediatricians, a group of medical professionals that broke away from the politically correct American Pediatric society, has stated that, "Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse."
And so, reality requires us to stop collaborating with this social madness, while compassion requires us to work harder to help people find wholeness without radical surgery and a lifetime of hormone therapy.
Enough is enough, unless we want our kids being sent gender surveys with 25 options to choose from, including genderqueer, tri-gender, and gender fluid.
Otherwise, if we don't stop this downward slide, we might soon be required to provide litter boxes for people who identify as cats.
Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is The Grace Controversy. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.

Monday, April 11, 2016

# Creatorgate & Scientific Bias

#Creatorgate and the Sorry State of Science 

The scientific community needs to get a grip on its biasThankfully, the Creator gave them wonderfully-designed hands.
In his book, "Darwin's Doubt," Dr. Stephen Meyer quotes Chinese paleontologist J. Y. Chen: "In China," Chen says, "we can criticize Darwin, but not the government; in America, you can criticize the government, but not Darwin."
A couple of Chinese researchers recently found this out the hard way when they published a paper on the workings of the human hand in the science journal PLOS ONE. Their title was innocuous enough: But a sentence in the abstract got these authors in a world of trouble: "… the biomechanical characteristic of tendinous connective architecture …" they wrote, "is the proper design by the Creator to perform a multitude of daily tasks in a comfortable way."
What? The creator mentioned in a scientific journal?
"As a scientist," protested one PLOS ONE editor, "I feel outraged by the publication of a [manuscript] making explicit reference to creationism."
This fellow and other staff members and editors — none of whom apparently saw the paper before publication — demanded its immediate retraction, and failing that, threatened to resign. The ominous hashtag "#Creatorgate" popped up on Twitter...

...The panic over this translation goof says a lot about the state of science. Not only does it call into question the peer review process, but it shows how averse the gatekeepers of published research are to anything that challenges the status quoWriting in the London Times, Melanie Phillips suggests we've entered a kind of scientific "dark age."
Much of what passes for scientific literature today, she writes, is simply untrue. Peer-reviewed journals have lately published a slew of embarrassing hoaxes and fabrications.
Why the sloppiness? The scientific rat-race is partly to blame. Mounting pressure to meet publication quotas and win grants makes researchers prone to error.

But Phillips points to something else that might explain the bizarre panic over PLOS ONE's inadvertent nod to a Creator: "Underlying much of this disarray," she writes, "is surely the pressure to conform to an idea, whether political, commercial or ideological."...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Reason for God? Q&A with Tim Keller - the Aurhor ( 2 You Tube links )

[official] Q&A with Tim Keller - Reason for God?
 Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Dear friends:

Watch & Listen to this Youtube, it won't disappoint you. Tim Keller, the best seller( the Reason for God)  author was grilled by a very intelligent non-Christian and come out strong.

Tim Keller: "The Reason for God" | Talks at Google

Is there reason to believe in God? What about suffering? What about injustice? What if God is just an illusion of the mind? Hasn't science disproved God? Can we really know what Jesus actually said? Why are Christians so intolerant? Tim Keller fields these questions and more from two heavy-hitting interlocutors, NBC journalist Martin Bashir and Columbia University's David Eisenbach.

Over the past two decades, The Veritas Forum has been hosting vibrant discussions on life's hardest questions and engaging the world's leading colleges and universities with Christian perspectives and the relevance of Jesus. Learn more at, with upcoming events and over 600 pieces of media on topics including science, philosophy, music, business, medicine, and more!

Q&A with Martin Barshir

0:18 - Why did you write Reason for God now?
2:22 - Are faith and reason contradictory?
5:35 - Is God just a projection of our cultural circumstances?
9:10 - Is belief in God a mental defect?
11:39 - Is it narrow to believe in one God? Is everyone else going to hell?
18:30 - Is the Bible trustworthy? 
23:59 - What about the behavior of so-called Christians?
30:33 - Are you resolutely convinced today that Christianity is true?

Q&A with Dr. David Eisenbach

35:25 - How could God allow evil and suffering? 
44:04 - Is there any reason to believe in God in a chaotic world?
45:48 - Does giving a reason for faith undermine its value?
48:49 - Does it take faith to be an atheist?
50:48 - What does Christianity have against homosexuals? Are they going to hell?
57:29 - Why is Christianity so exclusive?
1:03:58 - What do you believe about politics?
1:11:25 - How do you get to heaven?
1:13:13 - Why would God make people who sin?
1:16:58 - Why did God put that tree in the Garden of Eden to begin with?
1:199:34 - What happened for you to have so much peace?