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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Some Insight about Trinity God

Illustration of Godhead above.

Dear SS( sincere seeker):

I think when we think about Trinity God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as distinct Persons, that is very easy to understand because we can think 3 in Godhead.

I think it is the 3 but One that baffles us. That is because we are bounded by our physical boundary and not able to imagine how spiritual beings are different from physical beings because they are unbounded and free. Therefore the 3 can be in one another just like the 3 primary colored lights being one white light. Trinity God is One divine essence and 3 Persons in Godhead. Think about in Quantum land the rules are quite different from our daily lives. Likewise, the rules in  a spiritual realm simply are different from our physical realm. ( * In Quantum Mechanics, the uncertainty Principle, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle,)

The term "Trinity" was coined to counter the misunderstanding of our Creator God. Throughout 1st five books of OT, Moses has instructed Israelites to worship only One God. And our Creator God has revealed Himself to the prophet Isaiah that there is no other God like Him. That is why for the Jews to accept Jesus as God is impossible even today. That is why only the resurrection of Jesus could explain why some Jews have realized and worshiped Jesus as God. I am listing the Bible verses that emphasize that "God is One" below for you to examine. Yet in Matt 3:16-17 at the baptism of Jesus, the distinct God the Father, Holy Spirit and Jesus were all present that rebut the misunderstanding that God the Father became God the Son or God the Father manifested Himself as God the Son in NT times. 

God is Spirit, therefore He can be indwelling in all genuine Christians yet not be bounded inside them, still independent outside genuine Christians.( not locked inside Christians, or for that matter, not being locked inside Mary when Jesus was in her womb). Perhaps that is why an independent Holy Spirit can simultaneously be described as God's Spirit or Spirit of God--that means He is in and out Godhead freely by Himself too. In a word, Holy Spirit is in the Godhead so He is called God's Spirit or Spirit of God yet He is free to go indwelling in genuine Christians and He is free to go anywhere He wants to.

Perhaps, that can explain also why Jesus had Holy Spirit in Him as God/man yet the Holy Spirit could still fall on Him from outside like a dove as seen by John the Baptist for a sign to let John the Baptist identify Jesus as God incarnate.
( Trust me, this does baffle me for a long long time.) 

 Well, Trinity God remains a mystery totally beyond our human comprehension. ( Many thanks to you, that I keep thinking about "Trinity". This is my recent insight and understanding to share with you, hope I am not confusing you or am I?)  Below is a brief history of "Trinity" for you. If interested, click the link.( "Trinity" was coined to counter those who only emphasized the Unity of God and neglected the threeness of God.

May God reveal Himself to you! 

You may also click the link below.

  • "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!" (Deut. 6:4)
  • "I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." (Isa. 45:5)
  • There is no God but One. (1Cor. 8:4)
  • And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." (Matt. 3:16-17)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Is $135,000 Fine for an Oregon Bakery Outrageous?

...In response to a brief defending the government's actions against the Kleins filed to the Oregon Court of Appeals last month by state lawyers, the Kleins filed a reply brief to the court earlier this month.
In filing the brief, the Kleins were aided by lawyers from the First Liberty Institute and former White House Counsel for President George H. W. Bush, Boyden Gray.
"This case is, first and foremost, about whether Oregon has commandeered individuals' liberty to compel them — upon pain of crippling financial penalties — to facilitate the multitude of events in which 'persons' protected by (discrimination law) might participate," the brief states. "Such events might be weddings, as here, or religious rituals, sex-segregated club initiations, or abortions."
"So the court must determine: Has Oregon, for example, compelled Catholics to sculpt totems for Wiccan rituals? Feminists to photograph fraternity initiations? Pro-life filmmakers to video abortions?" the brief asks. "It has not, and that ends the case."
The state government's brief argued that the government's final order forcing the Kleins to pay $135,000 did not violate their First Amendment rights and argued that refusal of service is not protected under the First Amendment. The brief continued by explaining that the agency's order did not target the Kleins' religious beliefs, but rather their discriminatory conduct.
Even though the government believes that it has not violated the Kleins' religious liberties, Gray said in a statement that "the First Amendment prohibits government compulsion of art and of speech."
"We must ensure that freedom of speech and religious expression is preserved for all Americans," Gray, who is a former ambassador to the European Union, asserted.
First Liberty Institute President Kelly Shackelford added: "No one should be forced to contribute to the celebration of an idea that goes against his or her beliefs."
The Kleins are not the only Christian wedding vendors who have been fined for acting in accordance with their religious convictions and declining to work a same-sex wedding....
In response to a brief defending the government's actions against the Kleins filed to the Oregon Court of Appeals last month by state lawyers, the Kleins filed a reply brief to the court earlier this month.
In filing the brief, the Kleins were aided by lawyers from the First Liberty Institute and former White House Counsel for President George H. W. Bush, Boyden Gray.
"This case is, first and foremost, about whether Oregon has commandeered individuals' liberty to compel them — upon pain of crippling financial penalties — to facilitate the multitude of events in which 'persons' protected by (discrimination law) might participate," the brief states. "Such events might be weddings, as here, or religious rituals, sex-segregated club initiations, or abortions."
"So the court must determine: Has Oregon, for example, compelled Catholics to sculpt totems for Wiccan rituals? Feminists to photograph fraternity initiations? Pro-life filmmakers to video abortions?" the brief asks. "It has not, and that ends the case."
The state government's brief argued that the government's final order forcing the Kleins to pay $135,000 did not violate their First Amendment rights and argued that refusal of service is not protected under the First Amendment. The brief continued by explaining that the agency's order did not target the Kleins' religious beliefs, but rather their discriminatory conduct.
Even though the government believes that it has not violated the Kleins' religious liberties, Gray said in a statement that "the First Amendment prohibits government compulsion of art and of speech."
"We must ensure that freedom of speech and religious expression is preserved for all Americans," Gray, who is a former ambassador to the European Union, asserted.
First Liberty Institute President Kelly Shackelford added: "No one should be forced to contribute to the celebration of an idea that goes against his or her beliefs."
The Kleins are not the only Christian wedding vendors who have been fined for acting in accordance with their religious convictions and declining to work a same-sex wedding.



Saturday, October 15, 2016

No Trump in Women's Dressing Rooms, But Males in General are Ok?

 No Trump in Women's Dressing Rooms, but Males in General Are OK?

Dear liberal media, your hypocrisy is showing. ... Immediately, the media latched on to the story to express their outrage. Everyone from Rolling Stone to the Huffington Post pretty much had the same reaction: How dare Trump enter a women's dressing room!?
This week, Buzzfeed published an article titled, "Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing." The article quotes four former contestants of the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997 who claim that Trump did not respect their privacy when he allegedly entered their dressing room during the pageant.
One woman is quoted saying, "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh …, there's a man in here.'" Another called it "shocking" and "creepy" as girls rushed to cover themselves.
Immediately, the media latched on to the story to express their outrage. Everyone from Rolling Stone to the Huffington Post pretty much had the same reaction: How dare Trump enter a women's dressing room!?

And you know what, I agree. A man has no business in a women's dressing room … or locker room, or shower area, or restroom for that matter. Women have a right to their bodily privacy, and should not have to worry about their bodies being exposed to men in ways that make them feel uncomfortable or violated.
But it sure begs the question …
Where was all this appropriate outrage towards men in women's private facilities when the NBA moved its all-star game out of North Carolina because the state has a law that keeps men out of women's public locker rooms and restrooms?
Or why are teenage girls in Illinois and Minnesota having to fight in federal court for their privacy rights, so that their school doesn't order them to share their locker room and shower areas with a sexually confused male student?
And why does Target think it's appropriate to allow men into women's changing areas and restrooms in their stores?
That's what's so puzzling about the liberal media's response to claims against Trump. While they're so busy condemning one male presidential candidate for being in the wrong dressing room, their attitude towards everyday Americans is very different: If you don't allow men into women's private facilities, it's discrimination.
Sex-specific dressing rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms ensure that the fundamental right to privacy is not abused. Maybe the liberal media should take a look in the mirror and acknowledge that bodily privacy should always be respected — not just when it serves their agenda.
I think we can all agree that those young Miss Teen USA contestants were not wrongly "discriminating" by saying Mr. Trump shouldn't be in their dressing room. And just as surely, a teenage girl is not discriminating if she doesn't want to share the girls' locker room with a male student.
It's common sense.

Originally posted at

I agree. A man has no business in a women's dressing room … or locker room, or shower area, or restroom for that matter. Women have a right to their bodily privacy, and should not have to worry about their bodies being exposed to men in ways that make them feel uncomfortable or violated.
But it sure begs the question …
Where was all this appropriate outrage towards men in women's private facilities when the NBA moved its all-star game out of North Carolina because the state has a law that keeps men out of women's public locker rooms and restrooms?
Or why are teenage girls in Illinois and Minnesota having to fight in federal court for their privacy rights, so that their school doesn't order them to share their locker room and shower areas with a sexually confused male student?
And why does Target think it's appropriate to allow men into women's changing areas and restrooms in their stores?
That's what's so puzzling about the liberal media's response to claims against Trump. While they're so busy condemning one male presidential candidate for being in the wrong dressing room, their attitude towards everyday Americans is very different: If you don't allow men into women's private facilities, it's discrimination.
Sex-specific dressing rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms ensure that the fundamental right to privacy is not abused. Maybe the liberal media should take a look in the mirror and acknowledge that bodily privacy should always be respected — not just when it serves their agenda.
I think we can all agree that those young Miss Teen USA contestants were not wrongly "discriminating" by saying Mr. Trump shouldn't be in their dressing room. And just as surely, a teenage girl is not discriminating if she doesn't want to share the girls' locker room with a male student.
It's common sense.
Originally posted at


Monday, October 10, 2016

Where did the word “Trinity” originate?

Where did the word “Trinity” originate?

The following excerpt from Basic Thelogy by Charles Ryrie should answer your question.
The early church fathers did not formulate any clear statement concerning the Trinity. Some were unclear about the Logos, and most were unconcerned about giving attention to the Spirit except for His work in the lives of believers. In answer to Praxeus, Tertullian (ca. 165-220) asserted the threeness aspect of God, being the first to use the word Trinity. However, he did not have a full and accurate understanding of the Trinity, his views being tinged with subordinationism. Tertullian was battling Monarchians who opted for the unity of God and denied trinitarianism. Monarchianism existed in two forms.
1. Dynamic Monarchianism (or adoptionism). This was first expounded by Theodotus of Byzantium about 210, and viewed Jesus as a man who was given special power by the Holy Spirit at His baptism.
2. Modalistic Monarchianism. This was more influential, attempting not only to maintain the unity of God but also the full deity of Christ by asserting that the Father became incarnated in the Son. In the West it was known as Patripassianism since the incarnated Father also suffered in the Son; and in the East as Sabellianism after its most famous representative who taught that the Persons in the Godhead were modes in which God manifested Himself. Though Sabellius used the word “Person” he meant it as a role or manifestation of the one divine essence.
No illustration is going to be perfect.
But from the very beginning we see God as a Trinity. Notice the plural pronouns "us" and "our" in Genesis 1:26 -- Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Though not a complete list, here is some other Scripture that shows God is one, in Trinity:
  • "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!" (Deut. 6:4)
  • "I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God." (Isa. 45:5)
  • There is no God but one. (1Cor. 8:4)
  • And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." (Matt. 3:16-17)
  • "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19)
  • Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." (John 10:30)
  • "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." (John 14:9)
  • "He who beholds Me beholds the One who sent Me." (John 12:45)
  • If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. (Rom. 8:9)
  • "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for that which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 1:20)
  • And the angel answered and said to her [Mary], "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35)
  • [Jesus speaking to His disciples] "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you." ... "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him." (John 14:16-17, 23)

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Why Did God Command Killing in the Old Testament?

Why Did God Command Killing in the Old Testament?

Why Did God Command Killing in the Old Testament?

"Jesus was so peaceful throughout His earthly ministry. He didn't go around killing those who opposed Him. He even told His disciples, 'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.' (Matthew 5:44) But as I read the Old Testament, God commanded the killing of entire nations. Those two approaches seem like polar opposites. Did God change and become more loving and tolerant?"
Good question.
On one hand, the Lord commanded the Israelites: "You shall not murder." (Exodus 20:13) This command forbade any unlawful killing.
On the other hand, God commanded His people: "In the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them - the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites — as the Lord your God has commanded you. Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)
This was an example of lawful killing as an act of God's divine judgment against sin.
There is no question that the Lord unleashed His wrath against the sins of the Canaanites. When you engage in practices like incest, adultery, homosexuality, and bestiality, it is going to provoke your Creator.
Here are two things we must remember about God. The wrath of God is far greater than man's wrath toward sin, and the love of God is far greater than man's love for others.
If you read the Bible through the lens, "God should do things the way I expect Him to do things," then you will likely come away confused and disappointed. On the other hand, if you read the Bible through the lens, "God's ways are higher than man's ways," you may end up appreciating God even though you don't fully understand His ways.

For example, think about those criminals who kidnap, torture, and kill innocent people. Now picture 10 of these men being captured, convicted, and sentenced to death. Imagine the judge deciding that those men will go free if you or I allow one of our children to suffer death on a cross for their crimes.
Would you have enough love for those criminals to send your child to suffer and die for their release? Honestly, I know I don't. I couldn't do it, and I wouldn't do it. But that's me, and that's due in part to the limits of man's love for others.
We are sickened whenever criminals prey on innocent people, and yet the Bible makes it clear that your sins and my sins are even more repulsive to God. Until you embrace that fact, you will never understand just how much God loves you.
How did God respond to our wickedness? Thankfully, He sent His only Son to take our place on the cross. Jesus suffered the pain and punishment you and I deserve to pay.
You may say, "I don't feel like I deserve to pay for my sins."
That's an honest feeling, but I am talking about how God addresses our sin rather than how we tend to view it from our perspective.
God's love is a million times greater than man's love. Earthly parents would not send their only child to die in order to save 10 criminals. It simply wouldn't happen.
So then why did God send His only Son to the cross? Because it was the only way that God's love for us as well as His judgment against sin could both be satisfied. God's justice demands that lawbreakers be punished, and the Father arranged to have the perfect sacrifice of His Son atone for our sins. Apart from Christ's death on the cross, we had absolutely no way to be forgiven. Jesus bore the punishment for our sins "once and for all." (Romans 6:10; 1 Peter 3:18)
"The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him." (Isaiah 53:5)
This prophesy from Isaiah was given 700 years before Christ was born in Bethlehem. The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament is the same God.
God doesn't change.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
In addition to God's love being so much deeper than our love, God's wrath against sin is also much stronger. In the Old Testament, the wrath of God was often unleashed against sin. When reading the New Testament, people wonder why God's wrath against sin seemed to come to a stop.
The cross reveals the shift in God's approach under the new covenant. The wrath of God against sin and the love of God for man came together at the cross. And for those who reject Christ and seem to be skating through life with no consequences, we discover in Scripture that unbelievers are "storing up wrath for the day of God's wrath" as a result of "your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart." (Romans 2:5)
At the same time, "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." (John 3:17)
Man's ultimate condemnation is reserved until Judgment Day. Man only has until the end of his life on earth to come out from under God's wrath by repenting of his sin and trusting Jesus to forgive him.
"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." (John 3:36)
If you think the wrath of God in the Old Testament is hard to swallow, try coming to terms with what Jesus taught regarding eternal punishment in hell. Just as the love of God is a million times greater than man's love, so also the wrath of God is a million times greater than the sentences earthly judges hand out to criminals.
For example, if the Lord said to me, "Dan ... I want you to decide the punishment for every criminal," I would not sentence most criminals to eternal suffering. I could see myself handing down that sentence to a beast like Hitler and other monsters, but I cannot envision myself handing down the sentence of eternal punishment to the vast majority of unbelievers. I would hand out a much lighter sentence. But that's me.
God never said that He would mimic man's approach to love, grace, wrath, and punishment. Instead, God handles every case according to His perfect justice and His amazing grace.
Mortal man hands out temporal blessings and temporal punishment in prison. God who is eternal hands out eternal life in paradise and eternal punishment in hell.
The killing in the Old Testament was often a demonstration of God's wrath against sin.
You may say, "But some of those divine acts of judgment took the lives of infants."
Personally, I believe the babies who died in those situations went to heaven.
You see, God never does anything that is not perfectly just. You don't have to worry about everyone getting their "fair shake" when all is said and done.
"The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth." (Psalm 145:17,18)
So the next time you find yourself struggling to understand why there was so much killing in the Old Testament, just remember that God's love and God's wrath are far greater than man's love and man's wrath. You can either bask in God's love by trusting Christ as your Savior and following Him as your Lord, or you can go through life blaming God for things you don't fully understand or appreciate.
The choice is yours. God already made His choice for a world of sinners who violated His perfect commands. God's sacrificial love is a done deal.
"God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
The prophet Jeremiah wrote, "The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.'" (Jeremiah 31:3)
If you refuse God's gracious pardon through faith in Jesus, you will have no one to blame on Judgment Day but yourself. And you will miss out on Christ's free gift of eternal life in heaven.
Consider Noah and his family who were saved aboard the ark while  else was wiped off the earth. The flood of God's wrath on Judgment Day will be far worse. Scripture makes that fact abundantly clear.
You are in one of two boats at this very moment. You are either "storing up wrath" for yourself, or you are resting in the mercy, grace, and love of Jesus Christ by trusting Him as your Savior.
So which boat are you in today? Which boat would you like to be in?

There is one way to escape God's wrath against your sin, and to come under His grace and eternal protection. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31)
For example, think about those criminals who kidnap, torture, and kill innocent people. Now picture 10 of these men being captured, convicted, and sentenced to death. Imagine the judge deciding that those men will go free if you or I allow one of our children to suffer death on a cross for their crimes.
Would you have enough love for those criminals to send your child to suffer and die for their release? Honestly, I know I don't. I couldn't do it, and I wouldn't do it. But that's me, and that's due in part to the limits of man's love for others.
We are sickened whenever criminals prey on innocent people, and yet the Bible makes it clear that your sins and my sins are even more repulsive to God. Until you embrace that fact, you will never understand just how much God loves you.
How did God respond to our wickedness? Thankfully, He sent His only Son to take our place on the cross. Jesus suffered the pain and punishment you and I deserve to pay.
You may say, "I don't feel like I deserve to pay for my sins."
That's an honest feeling, but I am talking about how God addresses our sin rather than how we tend to view it from our perspective.
God's love is a million times greater than man's love. Earthly parents would not send their only child to die in order to save 10 criminals. It simply wouldn't happen.
So then why did God send His only Son to the cross? Because it was the only way that God's love for us as well as His judgment against sin could both be satisfied. God's justice demands that lawbreakers be punished, and the Father arranged to have the perfect sacrifice of His Son atone for our sins. Apart from Christ's death on the cross, we had absolutely no way to be forgiven. Jesus bore the punishment for our sins "once and for all." (Romans 6:10; 1 Peter 3:18)
"The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him." (Isaiah 53:5)
This prophesy from Isaiah was given 700 years before Christ was born in Bethlehem. The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament is the same God.
God doesn't change.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
In addition to God's love being so much deeper than our love, God's wrath against sin is also much stronger. In the Old Testament, the wrath of God was often unleashed against sin. When reading the New Testament, people wonder why God's wrath against sin seemed to come to a stop.
The cross reveals the shift in God's approach under the new covenant. The wrath of God against sin and the love of God for man came together at the cross. And for those who reject Christ and seem to be skating through life with no consequences, we discover in Scripture that unbelievers are "storing up wrath for the day of God's wrath" as a result of "your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart." (Romans 2:5)
At the same time, "God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." (John 3:17)
Man's ultimate condemnation is reserved until Judgment Day. Man only has until the end of his life on earth to come out from under God's wrath by repenting of his sin and trusting Jesus to forgive him.
"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." (John 3:36)
If you think the wrath of God in the Old Testament is hard to swallow, try coming to terms with what Jesus taught regarding eternal punishment in hell. Just as the love of God is a million times greater than man's love, so also the wrath of God is a million times greater than the sentences earthly judges hand out to criminals.
For example, if the Lord said to me, "Dan ... I want you to decide the punishment for every criminal," I would not sentence most criminals to eternal suffering. I could see myself handing down that sentence to a beast like Hitler and other monsters, but I cannot envision myself handing down the sentence of eternal punishment to the vast majority of unbelievers. I would hand out a much lighter sentence. But that's me.
God never said that He would mimic man's approach to love, grace, wrath, and punishment. Instead, God handles every case according to His perfect justice and His amazing grace.
Mortal man hands out temporal blessings and temporal punishment in prison. God who is eternal hands out eternal life in paradise and eternal punishment in hell.
The killing in the Old Testament was often a demonstration of God's wrath against sin.
You may say, "But some of those divine acts of judgment took the lives of infants."
Personally, I believe the babies who died in those situations went to heaven.
You see, God never does anything that is not perfectly just. You don't have to worry about everyone getting their "fair shake" when all is said and done.
"The Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving toward all He has made. The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth." (Psalm 145:17,18)
So the next time you find yourself struggling to understand why there was so much killing in the Old Testament, just remember that God's love and God's wrath are far greater than man's love and man's wrath. You can either bask in God's love by trusting Christ as your Savior and following Him as your Lord, or you can go through life blaming God for things you don't fully understand or appreciate.
The choice is yours. God already made His choice for a world of sinners who violated His perfect commands. God's sacrificial love is a done deal.
"God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
The prophet Jeremiah wrote, "The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness.'" (Jeremiah 31:3)
If you refuse God's gracious pardon through faith in Jesus, you will have no one to blame on Judgment Day but yourself. And you will miss out on Christ's free gift of eternal life in heaven.
Consider Noah and his family who were saved aboard the ark while everyone else was wiped off the earth. The flood of God's wrath on Judgment Day will be far worse. Scripture makes that fact abundantly clear.
You are in one of two boats at this very moment. You are either "storing up wrath" for yourself, or you are resting in the mercy, grace, and love of Jesus Christ by trusting Him as your Savior.
So which boat are you in today? Which boat would you like to be in?
There is one way to escape God's wrath against your sin, and to come under His grace and eternal protection. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." (Acts 16:31)