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Thursday, August 27, 2015

6 Common Errors in Making Jesus-Myth

For the whole article and related articles, please click the link below and go to

 "Come " blog.

Six Errors Jesus Mythicists Repeatedly Make

The fact that Jesus lived 2,000 years ago in Palestine and a following grew out of his teachings is evident. Even Bart Ehrman, as skeptical as the come about the claims of Christianity, has stated that no one should doubt “what virtually every sane historian on the planet — Christian, Jewish, Muslim, pagan, agnostic, atheist, what have you — has come to conclude based on a range of compelling historical evidence. Whether we like it or not, Jesus certainly existed.”1

Yet, the Jesus-Myth proponents continue to make the charge that Jesus didn't exist or that perhaps someone named Jesus existed, but the Gospel accounts were created out of the whole cloth of dying-and-rising god myths popular in the ancient world. Certainly the Internet has spread their charges beyond what one would reasonably expect. It's much like the villagers in the story of the Emperor's New Clothes; they want to believe these links so badly, that they fail to see the reality that nothing is there. In that vein, I'd like to offer six different ways the fashion statement of mythicism fails.

1. One Size Fits All — Combinationism

This is one of the biggest errors of the Zeitgeist movie and charges like it. It basically takes all the different mystery sects from 1500B.C. to 500 A.D. and blends them together them together, claiming they all had a consistent belief of gods dying and rising again. They argue that this is some kind of an established, coherent overarching set of beliefs from which Christianity borrowed. 

However, if anyone bothers to actually read the details of the different faiths mentioned, one will find vast differences in their foundational understanding of life, death, and existence beyond death. ...

2. Calling a Kleenex a Kerchief — Equivocation

Basically, this error occurs when a critic distorts the teaching of the mystery religion by using Christian language to describe a belief - and then claiming that Christianity stole from it because the beliefs read similarly. The concept of baptism in Egyptian mythology centers around the Nile's supposed physical power to heal while baptism in Christianity focuses on the sin nature of the individual. This happens over and over, where the mystery practice is usually something completely different in intent or symbolism than what Christian understand it to mean, but it is made to sound similar for impact value.

3. If It's on Your Shoulders, It's a Jacket — Oversimplification

Many critics will find something kind of like a resurrection story and then try to demonstrate how Christianity borrowed from this type of belief. Usually, this is at the expense of many crucial details that really differentiate the myth from the historic Christian account. For example, Zeitgeist claims that Horus was “crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected.” In the actual myth, Horus is a young child who is revived from a scorpion sting by another god that wielded the magic to do so. It's nothing like Jesus' claim to have the power to take his own life up again. Also, many of these stories aggrandize the myth more than is necessary.

4. Invisible Accessories — Misrepresenting Biblical Facts

Horus was born on December 25th? Were they using the Julian calendar system in ancient Egypt? The Gospels themselves don't tell us when Jesus was born. December 25 cam later, and was probably based on acompletely different paradigm. Horus' birth was visited by Three Wise men? Where does the Bible say three? There are three gifts mentioned, but no number of wise men is cited. Plus they came up to two years after Jesus' birth. The mythicists misrepresent the Biblical accounts and then try to make the other myths similar. 

5. Who's the Designer? — Direction of Influence

Simply because there is an element in an Eastern religion as well as in Christianity, it is wrong to assume the Christians must have borrowed from the Eastern tradition. This happens many times when the religion's founder lived before Jesus. However, as I said in point #1, these faiths were themselves not static. They picked up a lot of influences across the centuries, especially when they came in contact with competing belief systems. Christianity was so aggressive in its spread over the Roman Empire and Asia, many of these religions tended to adopt Christian symbols and practice in order to make their religion look more appealing to stop losing converts to Christians. Anthropologists see this by looking into the various practices of those religions and noting that a feature similar to Christianity wasn't recorded or mentioned in any writing until after the Christian era had proliferated. As Ronald Nash notes concerning Mithraism, “The timing is all wrong. The flowering of Mithraism occurred after the close of the New Testament canon, too late for it to have influenced the development of first century Christianity.”3

6. Where's the Designer Label? — Missing Citations/Support

Lastly, one should always ask for support for the claims made by the mythicists of the features of their myths. Who says that these things are true? How do you know Horus was baptized or raised after three days? Have you read the actual myth? What verification do you have that you understood the cult's beliefs accurately? This is one of the most crucial questions to ask, since reading the myths themselves will usually be enough to show that any supposed parallels to the life of Jesus are either minor or non-existent. 

The primary message of Christianity is vastly different from the pagan myths that preceded it. As Nash explains:
None of these so-called savior-gods died for someone else. The notion of the Son of God dying in place of His creatures is unique to Christianity. Only Jesus died for sin. It is never claimed that any pagan deity died for sin. As Wagner observes, to none of the pagan gods “has the intention of helping men been attributed. That sort of death that they died is quite different (hunting death, self-emasculation, etc.)4

Esposito, Lenny. "Did Christianity Steal From Mithraism?" Come Reason Ministries, 01 Nov. 2001. Web. 29 July 2015.

...Paul's final exhortation to Timothy rings as true today — if not even more true — than the day it was written: "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths" (2 Timothy 4:2-4).

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Debunking Evolution:

Dear all:

Do you firmly believe in Evolution theory as facts?

Yes? Rethink again! Have you had great leap of faith?
Here below is a very thorough research paper and a related You Tube for you to examine and judge for yourself.

Debunking Evolution:

Problems between the theory and reality

"Evolution" mixes two things together, one real, one imaginary.  Variation (microevolution) is the real part.  The types of bird beaks, the colors of moths, leg sizes, etc. are variation.  Each type and length of beak a finch can have is already in the gene pool and adaptive mechanisms of finches.  Creationists have always agreed that there is variation within species.  What evolutionists do not want you to know is that there are strict limits to variation that are never crossed, something every breeder of animals or plants is aware of.  Whenever variation is pushed to extremes by selective breeding (to get the most milk from cows, sugar from beets, bristles on fruit flies, or any other characteristic), the line becomes sterile and dies out.  And as one characteristic increases, others diminish.  But evolutionists want you to believe that changes continue, merging gradually into new kinds of creatures.  This is where the imaginary part of the theory of evolution comes in.  It says that new information is added to the gene pool by mutation and natural selection to create frogs from fish, reptiles from frogs, and mammals from reptiles, to name a few.
Do these big changes (macroevolution) really happen?  Evolutionists tell us we cannot see evolution taking place because it happens too slowly.  A human generation takes about 20 years from birth to parenthood.  They say it took tens of thousands of generations to form man from a common ancestor with the ape, from populations of only hundreds or thousands.  We do not have these problems with bacteria.  A new generation of bacteria grows in as short as 12 minutes or up to 24 hours or more, depending on the type of bacteria and the environment, but typically 20 minutes to a few hours.  There are more bacteria in the world than there are grains of sand on all of the beaches of the world (and many grains of sand are covered with bacteria).  They exist in just about any environment: hot, cold, dry, wet, high pressure, low pressure, small groups, large colonies, isolated, much food, little food, much oxygen, no oxygen, in toxic chemicals, etc.

...Mutation - natural selection
Here is how the imaginary part is supposed to happen: On rare occasions a mutation in DNA improves a creature's ability to survive, so it is more likely to reproduce (natural selection).  That is evolution's onlytool for making new creatures.  It might even work if it took just one gene to make and control one part.  But parts of living creatures are constructed of intricate components with connections that all need to be in place for the thing to work, controlled by many genes that have to act in the proper sequence.  Natural selection would not choose parts that did not have all their components existing, in place, connected, and regulated because the parts would not work.  Thus all the right mutations (and none of the destructive ones) must happen at the same time by pure chance.  That is physically impossible.  To illustrate just how hopeless it is, imagine this: on the ground are all the materials needed to build a house (nails, boards, shingles, windows, etc.).  We tie a hammer to the wagging tail of a dog and let him wander about the work site for as long as you please, even millions of years.  The swinging hammer on the dog is as likely to build a house as mutation-natural selection is to make a single new working part in an animal, let alone a new creature.

...Believing in beneficial mutations is like believing a short-circuit in the motherboard of your computer could improve its performance.  To make any lasting change, a beneficial mutation would have to spread ("sweep") through a population and stay (become "fixed").  To evolutionists, this idea has been essential for so long that it is called a "classic sweep", "in which a new, strongly beneficial mutation increases in frequency to fixation in the population." 
Debunking Evolution - main points
 By John Michael Fischer, 2013

 This list is a summary. More information is on the webpage.
A. Evolutionists usually talk about small differences in creatures, but the claim of evolution theory is enormous – the invention of every form of life that exists or ever existed on Earth without using any intelligent guidance. The small differences are called “micro-evolution” but that is not evolution; it is variation. Every creature has limits to how much it can change or adapt - limits to its variation. Disease bacteria have mutations constantly and become resistant to drugs, but they always remain bacteria. “Macro-evolution”, big change, is what the theory of evolution is about.
B. To get past the limits of variation, mutations are supposed to provide information to build new organs. But all known mutations result in the loss of information. There are cases where such loss has a selective advantage in certain situations, and disadvantages in other situations. Certainly, no new structure is invented. A shortcircuit in a computer is like a mutation in DNA, and no-one would expect to upgrade their computer that way.
C. Every structure and function in a creature takes much more than one change to "invent". It must be in the body-plan of the developing embryo, must differentiate stem cells into the proper type, must be able to receive nutrients, do waste removal and repair, must have nerves and muscles or other devices linked to a control center, and must integrate with the other elements of the biological system. If all these changes in the DNA do not happen randomly at the same time, it is impossible for a new, working organ to be made.
D. There should be many more transitional creatures in the fossil record than distinct species, many times more. But there are none - not even Archaeopteryx.
E. If life did not begin by chemicals coming together, there could be no evolution. Specialists have been working for 60 years on how this might have happened, and all they can produce "naturally" (without laboratory equipment and techniques to isolate and concentrate chemicals) are some of the many nucleotides and amino acids. They cannot make cell walls, RNA, DNA, ribosomes, organelles, cytoplasm, or cilia of even a cell or bacterium in a natural environment. After 60 years they have nothing to show but speculation and eternal hope. It is hard to prove a negative, but these origin-of-life specialists have come close. What we learn from their work is that life cannot arise on its own from chemicals, and thus there could never be evolution.
F. Evolutionists make charts showing supposed ancestral lines of descent. They call these “trees of life”. The problem is, different genes make different “trees of life”, and there are tens of thousands of different genes.
 G. Evolutionists are often forced to invoke the “parallel or convergent evolution” fudge whenever the same new organ appears on unrelated creatures in the fossil record. It is not an explanation, it is an excuse.
H. In every taxonomic group studied so far, around 10 to 30% of the genes are socalled “orphan genes” because they are unlike genes in any other species. They are not modifications of genes from supposed ancestors; they must have formed spontaneously, “de novo”. That was formerly assumed to be impossible, and for good reason. It is essentially an admission that the foundation of evolution theory, descent with modification, is falsified. The only way to describe the existence of these genes is miraculous.
 I. The Second Law of Thermodynamics requires all natural processes to become more disordered over time. It prevents the invention of new organs by mutations, because without a construction system already in place, things naturally fall apart – they don’t get more complex.
J. The Law of Biogenesis (life only comes from life) has never been seen to have been violated. But evolutionists believe it must have happened, and maybe more than once!
K. DNA is made of only right-handed versions of nucleotides, while proteins are made of only left-handed versions of amino acids. Yet any random chemical reaction that produced nucleotides or amino acids would make an equal mix of left and right-handed versions of each. Even if the thousands of nucleotides or amino acids needed to form individual DNA or protein molecules were able to combine from this mix, they would be a jumble of left and right-handed versions that could not function at all. This is the problem of chirality for evolution theory.
 L. The minimum number of genes needed for an organism to survive is probably 200 to 300. Most bacteria have 1000 to 4000 genes. And there are at least 17 basic things necessary for a cell to function, which must be working or it cannot live.This is the minimum level of complexity that must be met for a cell to exist:

**Bottom line: Macro-evolution is physically impossible. It cannot happen; it has never happened. It is up to evolutionists, the ones making the claim, to prove otherwise.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Atheism is a Leap of Faith! You Tube by Frank Turek, PhD

Dear friends:

Christians have often been accused of having a blind faith, a leap of faith...etc.
Have you ever heard that Atheism could be actually a Leap of Faith?
Unbelievable? Unthinkable?

Do you think all the Gospel stories about Jesus in 4 Gospels ( Gospels according to Mattew, Mark, Luke and John ) are all fabricated by Jesus' disciples and His followers? Then think again, why they fabricated so many embarrassing and unflattering details about themselves?...etc.

Please watch and/or listen to following YouTube by

Frank Turek, PhD

Monday, August 10, 2015

He Will Carry You! Please Forgive Me!( 4 You Tube songs)

Dear friends:
From time to time, we may find we really need to ask our Creator God to forgive us, agree?

All together, 4 songs for you.
Please Forgive Me!

He Will Carry You!

I Am Amazed!

10 Trumpets of Jesus

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Hiding Place full movie Corrie Ten Boom - YouTube

Dear SS (sincere seeker):

You like to accuse Christians who had persecuted the Jews through the years, why don't you pay attention to those Christians who had died to protect the Jews from being killed by Hitler? The most famous real story which had been in the movie is Corrie Ten Boom's "Hiding Place"  

Her whole family either died or being put into death camp for hiding Jews. What do you think?

Here is the link and the embedded You Tube for you. Also listen to the song" You Are My Hiding Place" below.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Do Humans and Chimps Share a Common Ancestor?

...This documentary, titled "The Genetics of Adam and Eve," displays the validity of the creation story by examining the genetics of all people. Its creator, Dr. Georgia Purdom, a geneticist who has published papers in various scientific journals including the Journal of Neuroscience, recently spoke to Christian News Network about the project.
"A historical Adam and Eve and original sin are the foundation of the Gospel," said Purdom. "The bad news, sin and death, begins in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve sinned."
"One of the most compelling genetic evidences for an original human couple created by God is mitochondrial DNA research done by creation geneticist, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson," added Purdom. "He clearly shows that the common human female ancestor of us all (biblical Eve) lived within the biblical timeframe of several thousand years ago."
Purdom said Jeanson's work debunks claims made by evolutionists that devolved creatures that eventually became humans were alive 100,000 years ago. She also discusses the notion of humans and chimpanzees sharing a common ancestor.
"In addition, genetics clearly show that humans and chimps do not share a common ancestor. There are many, many differences in their DNA that completely undermine the possibility of shared ancestry only a few million years ago," said Purdom, who believes the documentary will help Christians to better defend the Bible...

See also the links below:
  •     Adam was late for his first date?
  • ...

        The similarity between human and chimpanzee DNA is really in the eye of the beholder. If you look for similarities, you can find them. But if you look for differences, you can find those as well. There are significant differences between the human and chimpanzee genomes that are not easily accounted for in an evolutionary scenario. 

       Creationists expect both similarities and differences, and that is exactly what we find. The fact that many humans, chimps, and other creatures share genes should be no surprise to the Christian. The differences are significant. Many in the evolutionary world like to discuss the similarities while brushing the differences aside. Emphasis on percent DNA similarity misses the point because it ignores both the magnitude of the actual differences as well as the significance of the role that single amino acid changes can play.

    Please consider the implications of the worldviews that are in conflict regarding the origin of mankind. The Bible teaches that man was uniquely formed and made in the image of God (Genesis 1 and 2). The Lord directly fashioned the first man Adam from dust and the first woman Eve from Adam’s side. He was intimately involved from the beginning and is still intimately involved. Keep in mind that the Lord Jesus Christ stepped into history to become a man—not a chimp—and now offers the free gift of salvation to those who receive Him.
  • ???