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Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Genetic Virgin mother mouse & Jesus' Virgin Birth Debate

In the virgin birth, the immaterial (the Spirit) and the material (Mary’s womb) were both involved. Just as, at creation, “the earth was formless and empty” and dark (Genesis 1:2), Mary’s womb was an empty, barren place. And just as, at creation, “the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters” (Genesis 1:2), the Spirit of God came upon Mary and the power of the Most High overshadowed her [like a cloud] (Luke 1:35). Only God can make something out of nothing; only God could perform the miracles of creation, the incarnation, and the virgin birth.

Isaiah 7:14 the term “Almah” in Hebrews, The Septuagint translators translated to “parthenos,”

The Hebrew word in Isaiah 7:14 is “almah,” and its inherent meaning is “young woman.” “Almah” can mean “virgin,” as young unmarried women in ancient Hebrew culture were assumed to be virgins. Again, though, the word does not necessarily imply virginity. There is no conclusive argument for “almah” in Isaiah 7:14 being either “young woman” or “virgin.” However, it is interesting to note, that in the 3rd century B.C., when a panel of Hebrew scholars and Jewish rabbis began the process of translating the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, they used the specific Greek word for virgin, “parthenos,” not the more generic Greek word for “young woman.” The Septuagint translators, 200+ years before the birth of Christ, and with no inherent belief in a “virgin birth,” translated “almah” in Isaiah 7:14 as “virgin,” not “young woman.” This gives evidence that “virgin” is a possible, even likely, meaning of the term. At first glance, Isaiah 7:14 has no connection with a promised virgin birth of the Messiah. However, Matthew, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, connects the virgin birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:23) with the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. Therefore, Isaiah 7:14 should be understood as being a “double prophecy,” referring primarily to the situation King Ahaz was facing, ( in that case, young woman) but secondarily to the coming Messiah(whose mom a virgin) who would be the ultimate deliverer.

You may not agree with the above arguments, simply from human logic?

In fact, if we believe that God created the entire universe, and if Jesus Christ really has resurrected from the death 3 days after His crucifixion, wouldn’t it be a piece of cake for God to allow a Child to be born by a virgin? Joseph was a righteous man, but he was not a stupid foolish man to completely believed in Mary's innocence. In private, he did want to cancel his engagement with Mary. Well, the angel Gabriel told him the truth in a dream and told him the baby had to be named Jesus! Before Joseph’s dream, angel Gabriel also appeared to Mary in person and told her that she would have a virgin conception and the baby's name should be Jesus because He is going to save people from sins! So Mary & Joseph could have talked privately and discovered that the name of Baby Jesus the angel told them was same! This is amazing! Traditionally, when Jews name their children, they often commemorate the names of their ancestors and do not use a new unrelated name. Therefore, John the Baptist and Jesus were not existing names among their relatives and ancestors! It’s an unusual naming then! The birth of John the Baptist, the pioneer of Jesus, was a miracle, and it was a public event, because many witnesses were present at the time and discovered that his father, Zacharias the priest, did not believe in what Gabril told him that his old aged wife would bear him a son. So, Zechariah became mute and unable to talk! It wasn't until John the Baptist was born, whom he named John, that Zechariah regained his ability to speak! Angel Gabril also told Mary that her relative Elizabeth was much older and already in her sixth month of pregnancy, so Mary hurriedly visited Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, and stayed with Elizabeth there for more than three months! Thus angel Gabriel’s predictions were completely confirmed! Occasionally, if they still had questions and doubts, they could surely get firm answers!

Of course, the birth of Jesus cannot be made public with great fanfare! Look at what King Herod did! He had killed all the babies in Bethlehem who were under two years old! Not one of those babies under two in Bethlehem were spared except Jesus. So for such an intimate private story, Luke might have personally heard the historical account that an angel Gabriel appeared to her through Mary herself! It was also possible that Luke had heard lis from what Mary’s family said, and of course the Holy Spirit certainly could simply have enlightened and inspired Luke to write down this intimate true story of Jesus’ birth.

All in all, “In God nothing is impossible!” ; “Is anything too hard for God?”

So many important figures in the Bible gave birth to sons because of God’s interventions. Their births indeed carry God’s special responsibilities and missions! Like Issac, Samuel, Samson and Baptist John…etc. God directly intervened in their births since their mothers were infertile or pretty old; they were not just like us ordinary people! These historical events, in fact, laid the foreshadowing of Mary's virgin birth. They tell us again and again that “ In God nothing is impossible” If Jesus were not God, He would not have been able to fulfill so many prophecies which had been from a long long time ago.

Nowadays, IVF artificial insemination and embryo transfer have become very common and well developed! Since Dolly the sheep was cloned, cloned monkeys and other animals are now being released one after another! Recently, there have been reports of mice being genetically modified to reproduce asexually. Even we humans have been able to create asexual reproduction in the laboratory, isn't it ironical to assume that the Almighty God Himself could not do it single handedly ?

Chinese Youtube below

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

John Lennox vs Peter Atkins - Can science explain everything? LIVE DEBATE

Can Science Explain Everything? ( only 2.49 minutes)

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Sigmund Frued and C.S. Lewis Debating "The Question of God"

The Question of God: C. S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life by Dr. Armand M. Nicholi Jr., Robert Whitfield, et al.

( Click the following link for a complete interview from PBS)

An Interview with Dr. Armand Nicholi Harvard University professor and author of The Question of God: C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud Debate God, Love, Sex, and the Meaning of Life

Q: You have been teaching a popular Harvard course on the question of God for more than 30 years. What was it about the subject of faith versus science that originally sparked your interest?

A: As a practicing psychiatrist, I came to realize that one's worldview, or how one answers the basic questions concerning meaning, values, purpose, identity, motivation and destiny, influences not only who we are, but how we live our lives. Taking it to the next level, it was important for students, I felt, to have the opportunity to critically assess the arguments for both the worldview that they embrace and some form of the worldview they reject.

Q: Who are Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis, and why did you choose to focus on Freud and Lewis specifically?

A: The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud's great impact on our culture has led historians to speak of the 20th century as the century of Freud. C.S. Lewis, a celebrated Oxford don whose literary and religious works, including the widely popular children's series The Chronicles of Narnia, is perhaps the 20th century's most popular proponent of faith based on reason. Together, Lewis and Freud, the believer and unbeliever, represent conflicting sides of ourselves. Both are eloquent and incisive spokespeople for the worldview the other attacks.

Q: You describe Lewis as a celebrated Oxford don, literary critic and perhaps this century's most influential and popular proponent of faith based on reason. What does it mean to base faith on reason?

A: Faith based on reason is faith based on critical assessment of evidence that leads one to a strong conviction. For example, assessing the historical authenticity of Biblical documents might strengthen one's conviction in what one believes is true or not true...

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Akhenaten, Moses & the Origins of Monotheism

Akhenaten, Moses & the Origins of Monotheism - Guest Lecturer: Dr. James K. Hoffmeier At the end of the above video, Dr. Hoffmeier came up with his theory of Akhenaten's theophany encounter like Moses' encountering God in the burning bushes! Also James traced back to Akhenaten's father, AmenhotepIII's emphasis of Sun god ATEN at the end of his reign! That reflects the influences of 10 plagues which made all Egyptian gods impotent! Though there were 3 days darkness that the Sun disappeared, but the Sun did reappear and recover. Therefore the conclusion could be only the Sun and its rays survived the 10 plagues and could be the only universal god! James also concluded Moses was the first one who had a tablet downloading data from the cloud! So Moses' monotheism wasn't influenced by Akhanaten at all! See also the link below

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Who was the Pharaoh of Exodus?

Ancient Egyptian Ipuwer papyrus & Exodus

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Netanyahu & Jewish 3rd Temple, Red Heifer and Messiah

Netanyahu, The Third Temple & Messiah Documentary, EP 7 - YouTube This YouTube below you have to click " watch on YouTube " link to watch in YouTube website: how Temple Institutes have get things ready for the 3rd temple!! Dome of the Rock, shrine in Jerusalem built by the Umayyad caliph ʿAbd al-Malik ibn Marwān in the late 7th century ce. It is the oldest extant Islamic monument. Explore the history behind the Islamic shrine Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in JerusalemLearn about the Dome of the Rock, the oldest extant Islamic monument, which was completed in 619–692 in Jerusalem. See all videos for this article The structure is situated on a flat elevated plaza known to Muslims as al-Ḥaram al-Sharīf (“The Noble Sanctuary”) and to Jews as the Temple Mount (the site where the Temple of Jerusalem once stood). According to Muslims, the rock above which the dome is constructed is the spot from which the Prophet Muhammad was taken up into heaven for an encounter with God (an event known as the Miʿrāj). Nearby, on the southern extreme of the plaza, is Al-Aqṣā Mosque; Muslims believe the Prophet was miraculously transported there from Mecca on the night of his encounter (see Isrāʾ). The term “Al-Aqṣā Mosque” is commonly extended to denote the entire plaza and, consequently, to the Dome of the Rock itself

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Grand Canyon , Mt. St. Helen & global flood

In "Genesis and the Grand Canyon” As a freshman geology major, Dr. John Whitmore struggled with how to reconcile what he was learning in his geology classes with the account of Noah’s Flood. After examining the evidence for himself, he discovered three important things about Grand Canyon geology that convinced him that Scripture was true. Three important things about Grand Canyon geology that convinced him that Scripture was true. 1.The great uncomformity( erosion ) 2 marine transgression(sea level risen) 3 Cambrian explosion fossils 1.大的全球性不整合侵蝕面 (全球都可以找到) 2 海洋侵入(海平面上升) 3 寒武紀大爆發層的化石( Cambrian explosion happened in the layer of Cabrian rocks.) ( Cambrian explosion: when a sudden radiation of complex life occurred, and practically all major animal phyla (所有主要動物門)started appearing in the fossil record. It lasted for about million years and resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla. The event was accompanied by major diversification in other groups of as well.-- In Cambrian explosion:當複雜生命突然爆發時,幾乎所有主要動物門都開始出現在化石記錄中。它持續了大約百萬年,導致了大多數現代後生動物門的分化。該活動也伴隨著其他群體的重大多樣化.--這是進化論一向要我們相信有百萬年的時間,但是進化論的權威專家Stephen Jake 卻無法回答Dr. John Whitmore 關於這個問題很溫和的質問。) Here, it is not just talking about some life. it was talking about complex life. We have vertebrates in this layer right here and usually vertebrates or thought as higher life forms, but vertebrates occur right here along with all the other life forms, one time Dr. Whitmore went to listen to a lecture by the great Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jake, and a prominent evolutionist (of course he is dead now), but at the end of lecture he allowed for some questions and Dr. Whitmore went up and into the microphone and asked the question about this Cambrian explosion. he wanted some of Jake's perspectives on it. Whitmore asked in a kind and gracious way and so forth and Dr.Stephen Jake thought for a minute and said " next question please" but later Whitmore talk to one of the students Kurt Wise, and he said Jake didn’t really want to talk about the Cambrian explosion. Wise think it was because he couldn’t explain using Evolution theory. he didn’t really want to talk about the Cambrian explosion. W. think it was because he couldn’t understand how to explain it in terms of evolution , wouldn’t fit his preconceived notion that all these things happen overtime without God without supernatural. Jake wanted to convince an undergraduate geologist to accept the reality except the truth of what scripture said about flood. 1980 May 18, Mt. St.Helen 火山爆發,地理學家發現在短時間內其附近地區很快地形成小的大峽谷, 像大峽谷一樣的壯觀只是規模當然小很多。 這才發現大峽谷的形成,並不需要很漫長的時間!Mt. St.Helen 火山爆發活生生地替我們上了一課!我們再也不能以現在平常發生的速度來衡量 大峽谷形成的時間。而必須用過去災難性的自然現象,例如火山爆發,來衡量。 這一位地理學家,Dr. John Whitmore, 如何在大峽谷找到全球性大洪水留下來的痕跡,並且大峽谷的這些地層堆積,排列,The great uncomformity( erosion )(大的不整合侵蝕面)全球都可以找到!