A man is convinced he is dead. His wife and kids are exasperated. They keep telling him he's not dead. But he continues to insist he's dead.
They try telling him, "Look, you're not dead; you're walking and talking and breathing; how can you be dead?" But he continues to insist that he is dead.
The family finally takes him to a doctor. The doctor pulls out some medical books to demonstrate to the man that dead men do not bleed. After some time, the man admits that dead men do not bleed.
The doctor then takes the man's hand and a needle and pokes the end of his finger. The man starts bleeding. He looks at his finger and says, "What do you know? DEAD MEN DO BLEED!"
Presuppositions, Evangelism, and Apologetics
The above story illustrates the strength presuppositions can have. If someone is already convinced of a particular position, presenting contrary evidence can often be futile. The person will often re-interpreted the evidence in light of the presupposition. If this point is forgotten, it can lead to frustration in evangelism and apologetics....For more discussions, click the link.
Dead Men Do Bleed! - Article.
鐵齒難醫( translation of a slight variation I heard from Gospel Radio)
無計可施之下,她只好去找來一個精神科醫生. 這位醫生用盡三寸不爛之舌,想盡辦法說服他,讓他知道他還沒有死。可是無論說什麼,這位仁兄一點兒也不為所動。後來實在沒辦法,只好帶他到太平間去參觀屍體。醫生用了一根針,插進死人的手臂,死人毫無動靜,沒有什麼反應,然後他告訴這位仁兄,「你看,這個死人是不會流血的。」之後,轉身,把另一根針插進那人的手臂,一下子,鮮血就湧出來了。於是醫生很得意地對他說;「你還沒有死,才會流鮮血,看見了沒有?」
無計可施之下,她只好去找來一個精神科醫生. 這位醫生用盡三寸不爛之舌,想盡辦法說服他,讓他知道他還沒有死。可是無論說什麼,這位仁兄一點兒也不為所動。後來實在沒辦法,只好帶他到太平間去參觀屍體。醫生用了一根針,插進死人的手臂,死人毫無動靜,沒有什麼反應,然後他告訴這位仁兄,「你看,這個死人是不會流血的。」之後,轉身,把另一根針插進那人的手臂,一下子,鮮血就湧出來了。於是醫生很得意地對他說;「你還沒有死,才會流鮮血,看見了沒有?」
Yes, indeed, just as the saying goes,"鐵齒無藥醫", and the doctor was "氣死驗無傷".
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